
Full-Stack Engineer
Neuchâtel – Switzerland


Web Development

Wether you need a simple website or a complex application, we can help you.

React, Next.js, Node.js, WebGl, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, Laravel

App Development

Develop your app for iOS, Android, Windows or macOS.

React Native, Swift, Electron, Java, Kotlin


Already have a website or an app? We can help you to deploy it. We can also help you to automate the deployment and testing process.

Docker, Jenkins, Gitlab, GCP, Firebase

Server Administration

You need to host your website or your app? We can help you to choose the right server and to configure it.

Debian, Security, Apache, Nginx


Use new technologies to create new experiences, products and services.

Unity, Unreal, Vuforia, ARKit, ARCore


You want to create a new product or service? We can help you to define your project, to choose the right technologies and to implement it.

Analysis, Strategy, Planning, Implementation



Stockaj is a web app that allows you to manage the inventory of your company. It allows you to manage items, materials, products or anything else.

Link to products


Alexandre Bianchi
Rue de l'Ecluse 66a
2000 Neuchâtel